
Procurei tornar a lista tão completa quanto possível, mas sei que sempre acaba faltando alguma coisa.


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KAKU, Michio. Hiperespaço. Rocco. Rio de Janeiro, 2000.

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KANT, Immanuel. Universal natural history and theory of heaven. Trad. Ian C. Johnston. Nanaimo, 1998.

KRAUSS, Lawrence M. A física de Jornada nas estrelas. Makron Books. São Paulo, 1997.

LEWONTIN, Richard. A tripla hélice. Companhia das Letras. São Paulo, 2002.

LINS DE BARROS, Henrique. Santos-Dumont e a invenção do vôo. Jorge Zahar Editor. Rio de Janeiro, 2003.

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MAGUEIJO, João. Mais rápido que a velocidade da luz. Editora Record. Rio de Janeiro, 2003.

MENDELL, W. W. Lunar bases and space activities of the 21st century. The Lunar and Planetary Institute. Houston, 1986.

MOLTZ, James Clay, ed. Future security in space: Commercial, military, and arms control trade-offs. Monterey Institute of International Studies. Monterey, 2002.

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MOURÃO, Ronaldo Rogério de Freitas. O livro de ouro do universo. Ediouro. Rio de Janeiro, 2000.

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_______. Bilhões e bilhões. Companhia das Letras. São Paulo, 1998.

SHEEHAN, William. The planet Mars: A history of observation and discovery. The University of Arizona Press. Tucson, 1996.

SIDDIQI, Asif A. Deep space chronicle: A chronology of deep space and planetary probes (1958-2000). NASA Monographs in Aerospace History Series #24. Washington, 2002.

SLOOP, John L. Liquid hydrogen as a propulsion fuel, 1945-1959. NASA. Washington, 1978.

SMITHERMAN, David. Space elevators: An advanced Earth-space infrastructure for the new millenium. NASA. Washington, 2000.

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SWENSON, Jr., Loyd S., GRIMWOOD, James M. e ALEXANDER, Charles C. This new ocean: A history of project Mercury. NASA-SP-4201. Washington, 1966.

TERZIAN, Yervant e BILSON, Elizabeth (orgs.) O universo de Carl Sagan. Editora UnB. Brasília, 2001.

WALLACE, Alfred Russel. Is Mars habitable? Macmillan. Londres, 1907.

YEFFETH, Glenn (org.) A pílula vermelha: Questões de ciência, filosofia e religião em Matrix. Publifolha. São Paulo, 2003.

ZUBRIN, Robert. The case for Mars. Free Press. Nova York, 1996.


ANGELO, Claudio. “Procura por alienígenas ainda levará muito tempo”. Folha de S.Paulo, 18 mar. 2001, p. A28.

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ZUBRIN, Robert, BAKER, David A., e GWYNNE, Owen. “Mars direct: A simple, robust, and cost effective architecture for the space exploration initiative, AIAA-91-0328”. AIAA. Reston, 1991.


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NASA Headquarters —
Ames Research Center —
Dryden Flight Research Center —
Glenn Research Center —
Goddard Space Flight Center —
Jet Propulsion Laboratory —
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Canadian Space Agency —
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency —
Rosaviakosmos —
RSC Energia —
European Space Agency —
Agência Espacial Brasileira —
Encyclopedia Astronautica —
Space Daily — —
X-Prize Foundation —

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